Russia is not a nuclear waste dump!

Russian-German coalition demands to stop nuclear waste movement from Germany to Russia! 

The appeal to the authorities of Russia and Germany was signed by 47 national, regional and municipal non-governmental associations of Russia, Germany and the Netherlands.  The appeal is signed by regional and municipal deputies of the nuclear regions of Russia, as well as by experts and citizens who live along the rail route of dangerous cargo (about 2,500 km) from the port of Ust-Luga in the Leningrad Region to the Closed Administrative Territorial Unit of Novouralsk (Sverdlovsk Region).

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Россия — не свалка ядерных отходов!

Российско-Германская коалиция требует остановить перемещении ядерных отходов
из Германии в Россию! 

Обращение об этом в адрес властей России и Германии подписали 47 национальных, региональных, а также муниципальных общественных объединений России, Германии, Голландии.  Под Обращением стоят подписи и региональных, муниципальных депутатов атомных регионов России, а также экспертов и граждан, живущих по пути следования железной дорогой опасного груза (около 2,500 км) из порта Усть-Луга Ленинградской области в ЗАТО Новоуральск (Свердловской области).

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Decommissioning Russia’s old nuclear power reactors: status update on key processes 2019

Russia’s fleet of nuclear power reactors is aging. In fact, 23 out of 35 operating reactors have passed their designed lifetime, which means 66% of the reactors are overdue. Chapter 1 tells about the current status of nuclear power reactors in Russia.
Plans and information on decommissioning is missing. A law from February 2019 requires all Russian nuclear power plants must have a decommissioning concept. But when we have asked operators of the nuclear power plant to provide these concepts, and to inform about when they plan to end operation, we don’t get satisfactory answers, as shown in chapter 2. This can provide an example of the difficulties to work with nuclear and other environmental issues in Russia.

  Authors:             Дата выпуска: 29.11.2019